Po Nagar is a Cham temple created in the 8th century. It is dedicated to Yan Po Nagar who is according to the legend the founder of the Cham people. The historians who examined different stele were able to tell us many stories about the temple. Apparently in 781 the temple was restored after being devastated by what appear to be a foreign dominion.

_MG_4635Trough the centuries many things happen to the temple but especially in 918 the Cham Kinh Indravarman III give the order to built a golden statue of the goddess Bhagavati. The statue did not stay long, as years later it has be stolen by the khmer, which made the king replace the lost statue by a new one.

From that time the temple was use to worship gods from different parts religion. A cult in honour of the goddess Yan Po Nagar was held as well as for the principal deities of Hinduism and Buddhism.

We are now done with the historic part. I really want to encourage you to visit this temple. It is a magnificent and relaxing place. When you enter the temple take your time at the bottom level, there is no need to rush to the third. Gently walk around and admire the colossal columns and at the altar, where sometime you may find a woman worshiping the god and burning some incenses. When you finally reach the top floor you will be delighted by the splendid tower, the biggest one is 25m high.


It is really easy to go there. If you take a taxi just tell him you want to go to “Po Nagar Temple” and if you are doing it your way well there are two bridges when you go north of Nha Trang make sure you take the one how is more in the land it will bring you directly to the temple. (On your left after the bridge)

There is a parking there where you can safely leave your vehicle and you will be asked to pay an entry fee of 21’000 Dong.

Last time I went to the temple I pushed myself a little bit more than usual as I was there at the sunrise. That creates a whole new experience; the colours are incredible, the orange of the stones become warm and strong. At this time you might be alone which make the experience even stronger. The only few people you might see are woman coming to pray which will show you that in Vietnam some people are still worshiping the gods.

On my way back from the temple I stopped on the side of the road to look at two monks walking around to receive charity gifts. It is always a great time to see them so calm, walking gently. I always have this feeling that even their heartbeat is way slower than mine. They are beautiful people with a beautiful mind.

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