A great way to take a big breath of fresh air outside Nha Trang is to go to Suoi Ba Ho Waterfall, which means three pool stream is a green, fresh and watery paradise in a peaceful forest.

Not far away from Nha Trang, going to the waterfall is the perfect day trip. It is only 25km north of the city. After 21km on the main road going north you will turn left where the road is going to be sandy and bumpy. After a little while you will cross a small village. If you are hungry I highly recommend you to stop there for a grilled corn and you can also have a look at all the baby duck that are growing in a little enclosed park.


After this short but very nice break you still have a couple of kilometers before arriving to the entrance of the waterfall. You will find a parking where you can safely leave you motorbike and you will have to pay the entry fee, which is only 15’000 dong.

On the way up you will have a first easy part in the forest before starting the rocky path. You only have to follow the red arrows that will lead you to the first, second and third waterfall. The higher you go the harder it gets. If you don’t feel very secure walking/climbing on rocks I would advise you to stop at the first one. For the more adventurous one the whole tour is a nice way to discover the area.

The first stop will allow you to refresh yourself in a nice natural pool under the waterfall. Also it is possible to jump from rocks around but you should always remember not to over pass your limit. The second stop will give you a good view over the first waterfall and at the last stop you will just show you a very quiet area to rest and listen to the sounds of the nature.


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