BBQ UN IN “Sweet & Succulent Smoked Ribs”


The Best Ribs in Nha Trang are at BBQ Un In

With its extensive use of recycled materials, the employment and training of staff from underprivileged backgrounds and arguably the best ribs in town, there is much to admire about BBQ Un In. The use of old shipping containers to create the main premises sets an example for others to follow when considering the construction of sustainable buildings. There are 3 x 40 foot containers used on the ground floor, and a further 2 used for the upstairs section, which coupled with the spacious outdoor dining area, allows for seating of up to 200 guests.


The employees share a common background, many of whom have been raised in local orphanages, and it is the policy of the restaurant to offer these people employment and training to give them a chance for a brighter future. From the buoyant and happy demeanor of the staff, it is clear they enjoy the work and appreciate the opportunity they have been given. Day manager Miss Thu, when asked what she likes about her job said; “I love meeting new people and to take the time to communicate with them.” She added; “The job gives me the chance to practice and improve my English and hospitality skills.”

Ultimately, the success of any restaurant depends on its food, and it is here that BBQ Un In has become a leader. When asked what she would recommend from the menu Miss Thu was quick to say; “The ribs! They are what we are known for, and we get a lot of guests returning time and time again to eat them.” This popularity among both the local and expat community is a sure sign they are doing something right!

Discover Nha Trang was given the opportunity to visit the kitchen and observe the process of getting the ribs ready for the table. The recycling theme is continued, with old 205 litre oil drums used as both BBQ’s and smokers. The latter are ingenious, employing 2 drums which have been modified with doors, sliding covers, vents, temperature gauges and a racking system to hold the ribs.


In charge of the smoking process, Mr Thung explained some of his secrets. “We choose sugar cane wood to do the smoking” he revealed. “The sugar imparts a special flavour and, in combination with our special rub, it makes our ribs unique.” However, when pressed about the marinade and rub used to flavor the porl, they became very serious and shook their heads. “Sorry, but that is a closely guarded secret”, they exclaimed in unison.

The smoking process takes place over several hours, and allows the flavors of the sugar cane, marinade and rub to permeate the flesh giving that rich, aromatic flavour of great smoked meat. The extra time taken to cook in this manner means the pork is literally so tender, it almost falls off the bone. Once you have tried BBQ Un In’s ribs you will become an instant fan, they really are that good!


While the ribs are without doubt the star of the show, there is a varied menu to select from. There are a number of local dishes and a good range of seafood along with a BBQ smoked sausage that is to die for! Several of these options come as part of the “Big Man” and “Small Man” platters which feature the ribs, plus a great selection of salads and side dishes. These are perfect for a group and one platter will satisfy up to 4-5 guests with ease, making it fantastic value.

Located right on the bank of the Cai River, BBQ Un In offers great food, excellent service and is underpinned by a commitment to help local people and operate in a sustainable fashion. It is only a short taxi ride from the city and comes highly recommended!


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