Cam Ranh Airport to add 2nd Terminal

Cam Ranh Airport Upgrade-Second Terminal-Discover Nha Trang

Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport has urged construction to begin on a new terminal at Cam Ranh Airport in early September, with the aim of it being fully completed by December 2017

The new terminal will increase the current space by 51,000 square meters with both an arrivals and departure lounge, along with significant infrasrtuctural improvements made to the roads and car park areas.

The terminal will have a capacity of  around 4 million passengers per year, thus allowing the airport to accommodate enough people up until 2025.It will feature four rows of 20 check-in counters, 10 boarding gates and four air bridges.
A second runway is being constructed at the airport to handle bigger aircraft such as Airbus A350s, Boeing B747Fs and Boeing B777 LRs.

According to Cam Ranh International Terminal Joint Stock Company (JSC), international arrivals to Cam Ranh airport reached 585,000 in 2014 and 891,000 in 2015. In the first quarter of this year, more than 500,000 foreign passengers arrived at the airport.

International arrivals could reach 2.5 million by 2020, 4 million by 2025 and nearly 6 million by 2030.

After 2025, the airport will need to expand its terminal further to accommodate up to 8 million passengers a year.

The construction of the terminal is a welcome addition to Khanh Hoa’s tourism infrastructure and will undoubtedly help the province attract more international visitors


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