Diep Son Island – Wild & Breathtaking Beauty Offshore


Famed for its breathtaking winding path that stretches across the sea to wild and primitive beaches, Diep Son Island, off the coast of Nha Trang, is a great place to visit if you want to cast off the humidity of the city and see some primitive, unspoiled beauty.

Located in Van Phong Bay (60km from Nha Trang), it consists of three small islets, each connected by sandbars, “sea paths” that allow you to walk between the islands, a truly magical experience under a tropical sun with blue sea on each side and shimmering sand under your feet. Many tourists come to Diep Son to marvel at this beautiful winding path which dries completely at low tide. There are also many hidden coves and caves scattered across the island that are perfect for exploration by a curious and determined visitor.

Diep Son Island Nha trang

Until relatively recently it was almost unknown to visitors, but increased popularity has seen the introduction of a speedboat service to ferry guests from Vian Gia Port, an energetic crossing taking approximately 15 minutes. The speedboat is limited to only twenty people, and this ensures that you will have plenty of privacy, space, peace and tranquility when you arrive at the island.

The environment at Diep Son is unusually hot and dry, and the stark contrasts between the sea and the desert-like island make for scenery that is out of this world. One can literally be Robinson Crusoe for a day, and get lost in the wild and primitive surrounds. The landscape is home to a wealth of exotic cacti, flora and fauna. In the shallow waters, you can see numerous varieties of crustaceans, corals and even tiny flying fish that school just a few meters from the shore.

Sandbar at Diep Son Island - Nha Trang

The islands’ inhabitants comprise about 100 households, and they are very much seafaring people, relying on the ocean for food, sustenance, and employment. They are incredibly welcoming and love to interact with visitors each day. Superstition still plays a large part of island culture, and they believe that noisy tourists help to scare away the ghosts who are said to inhabit the area.

A rustic, rickety restaurant is located just off the main dock and serves a host of traditional Vietnamese seafood dishes. Large, juicy tiger prawns and crabs are perfect for this island hideaway while there is a range of succulent meat dishes, fresh salads and much more. Washed down with a big green freshly cut coconut or a couple of cold beers, this is a relaxing day out at its finest.

Hammocks are strewn across the wild beach while the more adventurous can try some jet-skiing or sea kayaking. Ask for a snorkeling mask and see the exotic sea creatures underwater, and hunt for wild oysters or sea snails. Also, you can walk some well-worn trails through the bush to higher ground, and take in the fantastic views of the archipelago.

Conversely, if you are seeking to work on your suntan, then pull up a chair and a good book and laze away the morning to the sounds of the waves lapping on the shore. Remember to bring plenty of sunscreen as it can be sweltering on the island and there is limited shade on the beach.


Diep Son is a remarkable place to visit. It offers, peace and quiet, natural bush and ocean environments, a feeling of isolation and that timeless charm of a remote tropical island. Yet there are modern conveniences, water sports, and restaurants, so guests can make it whatever they desire!

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