Discover Nha Trang helps the city increase its ranking on Trip Advisor


A video sumbitted to the PATA CEO Challenge by Discover Nha Trang was awarded a prize for its contribution to tourism, which sees Nha Trang rise in the Trip Advisor destination rankings.

By taking a part in PATA CEO Challenge in the end of last year, Discover Nha Trang helped Nha Trang rise to number 8 in the Trip Advisor “Travellers’ Choice Destinations on the Rise 2016”.  The challenge was a co-operation between PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) and Trip Advisor, who invited organizations across Asia to submit videos to show off their hometowns.

As a result of the judging, Discover Nha Trang was awarded complementary membership to PATA , an organization that aims to promote destinations across Asia to interntaional tourists.

Here is the video we created that was used in the challenge!

For more info about PATA and the CEO Challenge, visit the website HERE and see the Trip Advisor Asian Destinations on the Rise Top 10 HERE

At Discover Nha Trang, we aim to continue to promote this great city as a tourism destination for the benefit of all its inhabitants. Help share our video and like our Facebook Page with anyone you think it might interest!

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