Skateboarding Competition hosted by RB Skateshop Nha Trang


REN BOONG  – Nha Trang’s Skateboarding Celebrity

Eight years after falling in love with Skateboarding, Mr. Phuoc (a.k.a Ren Boong) has risen from a young man with a huge passion for Skateboarding to a local influential skateboarding celebrity and a business owner.  It was a great Sunday afternoon when the DNT Team had another chance to catch up with Ren Boong during a MINI-Contest he was organizing at Tue Tinh Park, Nha Trang on 16th April 2017.

DNT:  Is it the first Skateboard competition organized in Nha Trang?

Ren: This is the second Skateboard competition in Nha Trang that has been organized by my company  – RB Skateshop 

DNT: How did you organize this competition? What difficulties did you face? Do you get any support?

Ren: I had planned to organize this competition for a long time, as there are more and more people interested in Skateboarding now,  especially local Skaters who really want to promote the sport and test their skills against skaters from different cities.

The most difficult thing in organizing it is was securing the location at Tue Tinh Park as we needed permission to host the event there.  RB SKATESHOP is the main sponsor, and we also received support from LOVEDALI (A Brand in China that produces skateboards),  and a T-SHIRT brand from Hanoi – MONKEE.  

DNT: How is the skateboarding scene progressing in Vietnam? 

Ren: I’ve seen it become more and more developed in Vietnam. However, it has not gained so much support in terms of  developing public infrastructure to provide playgrounds for Skaters. There are only some Mini-games or competitions organized privately by different Skateboard shops to encourage the Skater community, but mostly it’s just skate enthusiasts who help promote it.

DNT: How many foreigners took part in this competition? How did they find out about it?

Ren: There were 10 foreigners involved as competitors, photographers, and spectators. They found out this competition from different posts shared on the Internet and by word of mouth.

DNT: As we know, your family members were there with you during the competition? What do they think about the passion you have pursued?

Ren: I am so happy that my grandpa, two of my uncles and my dad were there with me on the day. They are all very proud of me as I’m the first person in the city who has done this kind of inspiring thing for Nha Trang.

DNT: What were the rules of the contest and who judged it?

Ren: We base the competition on international Skateboarding Rules. However, to make it more flexible and suitable with the local playground, we made some changes, especially in the scoring system, as we really wanted to encourage all levels of skater, from beginner to expert.   

There were two judges: Mr. An Đoàn and myself.  We received wonderful support from so many friends including Mr. Thanh, Mr. Hoàng and Mr. Garry Imranshoev, who has helped us capture all the best moments in his photographs.

DNT: The winner of all categories?

  • Tony: 1st prize (BEST TRICK & GAME OF SKATE)
  • Ten Ten: 2nd prize (GAME OF SKATE)
  • Sun: 3rd prize (GAME OF SKATE & BEST LINE)
  • Rot Rot: 2nd prize (BEST LINE)

DNT: What was the reaction after the competition?

Ren: Everyone who participated in the contest was very happy, and were encouraged to try and keep developing it here. The aim is to create inspiring and fun playgrounds for the youth in Nha Trang and across Vietnam, and to promote the sport of skateboarding.

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